Sunday, June 01, 2008

Many things on my mind

last night i dreamt of waterfall on a small mountain. The height of the mountain was moderate-something that i can climb and easy to conquer. The waterfall was clear and looks beautiful. Along with some friends, we climbed up together and enjoy the water sprays on our face whenever the wind blows.

Every dream has its own meaning. Here is what i found out.

Water generally represents the unconscious and the emotions. A waterfall is a positive dream symbol that suggests a cleansing of negative emotions or psychological issues. Just a simple visualization or a daydream of standing in a waterfall makes a person feel energized and refreshed. If the waterfall in your dream is overwhelming or too powerful for you to enjoy, it may represent emotional energy and unconscious drives that are very difficult to effectively cope with on the conscious level.

So for me, i was standing over the waterfall and then climbed the mountain.

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