Monday, January 01, 2007

The day when year 2006 ended.

How did i celebrate the new year?
It all started in the evening actually. I planned to stay home and do my favourite stuff such as reading and resting, maybe perhaps some yoga and cleaning the room. As i was sitting on my usual chair and doing my reading, Peter and weisoon Msn me inviting me to go to kafe and have dinner together like good old times with neilson but this time Edwin and teelun are missing from the group...
And so out of my laziness i took bath and dressed up. But it turned out to be great time in Citi kafe aroung PFU area as other kafes are closed. Then after that wen li and i bought red wine to enjoy in the room when Peter invited us to his room to have nice chats and vodka along the way.

We chatted ,had fun and watched the fireworks through his window. It was great and beautiful night to spend the new years eve..Few good friends, nice drinks and comfortable conversation are just what i needed at that time. Then i got home to have chat with some friends online and sending some ecards to those far away.HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL.

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