Right after the exam i had many things on my mind ..
Things to do, things to think about, Movies to watch , books to read, people to call
CHores to be done
Forms to fill up
After the second day, i am starting to feel lousy. I did all the chores, things to do but then and again, i was reluctant to spend the time on my sleep. I have been sleeping only in the morning then waking up at noons.
It wasnt long before sun was down.
So tonight or shall i say this morning, i popped in sedative antihistamine so i can sleep earlier than usual. Tomorrow i still have to queue for the bus pass.
I dont know if i am feeling drowsy or just the sting from the long hours in front of computer. As much of a nerd i was and still am, i find watching yahoo streaming news more fun than hanging out with friends. JUst each time hoping that the internet service works fine.
Now that i am finally alone in the room, it is the time to learn funny ,ridiculous dance moves that might work!Other than that, i alone shall enjoy the romantic candles in lavander and eating lagsana while watching One missed call..
This movie used to be really scary but now that i was exposed to the world of autopsy, this movie feels like a chick plot movie..and has made Rambo 4 sucks..People explodes like red liquid filled balloons...now my head wana explode too..I hope you love this song too..
"Yeah sometimes, sorry isnt enough for the damage that has been done.
The hurt just wont go away, trust just cant come back in a flash just because you said the word. Some people do really think that the word can heal us from the pain and undone the damage, how naive. It will only be useful if the person hearing the word has already forgiven you. When you already forgave a person, then you longed to hear it ,just for confirmation that things are okay."
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